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About Me

I'm a developer. I'm a designer.

I've been writing code since my late teens. I've also always had a love for design, and have a degree in Industrial Design. Ultimately I would say I'm a problem solver. I enjoy solving problems, whether that be how to provide the best user experience on the frontend, or how to implement a feature in the backend (Ideally both).

In my time building things for the web I've developed a broad range of exprerience across the full spectrum; front end, back end, design, typography and sysadmin. I've worked in an agency, I've been a freelancer, I've been the technical director of a web and branding agency, and I'm currently working for a charity developing their in-house Ruby on Rails app.

I'm passionate about the web - semantic html, urls (that don't change), accessibility, progressive enhancement and performance, and I'm a fan of both basecamp and the majestic monolith.

My Skills

I have excellent skills in HTML, CSS, and Ruby on Rails. I've also done a fair amount of PHP in my time and am very comfortable in both Wordpress and OO PHP frameworks. Most recently I've been devleoping my javascript skills and learning a lot about web performance.

About this site

This site is a static site built with eleventy and hosted on netlify. It's still a work in progress. Code is hosted on Gtihub.